STRiDA is a portable, belt-driven, folding bicycle with a distinctive ‘A’-shaped collapsible frame, designed by UK engineer and designer Mark Sanders. Aimed primarily at commuters and city dwellers whose storage space might be limited, STRiDA is designed to be simple to use, quick to fold, and easy to maintain.
STRiDA designer Mark Sanders takes an apprenticeship with Rolls-Royce in Bedford, UK.
Sanders graduates from Imperial College, London, earning a degree in Mechanical Engineering.
Sanders accepts a position with the Mars Corporation, working as a design engineer in the Vending Systems division.He holds this position through 1983.
Sanders “sees the light”. He realizes that products need not only sound engineering but also aesthetics and humanity. He enrolls in the Industrial Design Engineering program (IDE) run jointly by Imperial College and the Royal College of Art in London.
Sanders designs a folding bicycle as part of his graduate studies.
Sanders finishes work on his folding bicycle. He completes his postgraduate degree and receives RCA’s Giorgetto Giugiaro Award in the Concept Bike category. A STRiDA prototype appears on the BBC’s Tomorrow’s World.
An article written in The Sunday Times leads to a meeting with entrepreneur and former Greg Norman manager James Marshall. Production design and tooling begins.
A Glasgow manufacturer is chosen to produce the bicycle. The director’s 9-year-old son dreams up the name STRiDA, a better name than those submitted by professionals!
STRiDA begin to roll off the production line. Its launch party is held at Harrods in London.
STRiDA wins all three UK Cyclex Bicycle Innovation Awards (Best New Product, Most Innovative, Best British Design). Production moves to Nottingham (the original home of Raleigh).
Production moves to Portugal.
25,000 STRiDA Version 1’s have been sold to date.
The British Technology Group (BTG), a company that licenses and commercializes medical innovations and other UK technology, controls the rights to STRiDA, through 1995.
Roland Plastics, a UK firm, purchases the rights to produce STRiDA Version 2 and moves production back to the UK. It releases Version 2 a year later.
STRiDA wins I.D. Magazine’s Annual Design Award, Sail Magazine’s Pittman Award for Innovation and Safety, and the British Design Council’s Millennium Product Award. Steedman Bass, of Boston USA, purchases the rights to produce the STRiDA. With Bill Bennet , Eric Thomas, and Mark Sanders, Bass begins development of STRiDA Version 3.
In order to meet increased demand, Bass moves production to Taiwanese manufacturer Ming Cycle. Version 3 is launched, with an inaugural shipment of 2000 units to Italy. Ming Cycle begins to establish distributorships in Korea, Japan, Netherlands, France and the U.S. Ming Cycle starts development on STRiDA Version 5.
STRiDA Version 3.2 is the recipient of Fiestrai Award of INNOVATIE.
STRiDA Version 5 is launched. It is the recipient of the TBEA Award. Ming Cycle bought the STRiDA brand & now 100% own the IP rights. For more information please check out
STRiDA SD (2 speed system) is launched. STRiDA is not only a single speed folding bike, but 2 speed.
STRiDA LT and STRIDA SX are launched.
Quick release (Q/R) system is launched. People can adjust the height of seat easily.
STRiDA EVO new 3 speeds system is in production to provide the rider easily ride on different road conditions.
STRiDA EVO - 3 speeds will be launched.
The carbon version was in R&D phase.
The carbon version won award of Taiwan Excellence and is planned to be launched soon.